10:00 am Classes
- Coffee Break Class - Single and married adults, loosely in the age range of 35-50. They use various studies that lead to class discussion. They meet in the Gathering Room, just off of the gym.
- Fellowship Class - This class consists of members of all ages but most 50s-60s, married and single. They meet on the first floor/middle room in the education building near the choir room. Led by Shelia Ragsdell.
- Homemakers Class- Our longest running class. This class has been together well over 50 years. In fact, a few of them remember the "old" church. They are a vibrant group of women who love studying together. They meet in the Library in the Welcome Center. Age: 70's plus. Led by Mary Justice.
- Pairs and Spares - Meet on the first floor in the Welcome Center classroom . There is a wide range of ages, generally from the 60's upward, although all ages are welcome. The class consists of married couples as well as singles coming from a broad range of backgrounds and life experiences. The members of this class are deeply and actively involved in many ministry areas of our church. They use the Adult Bible Study for curriculum. Led by Everett Rogers.
- Sisters in Spirit - is a women's class that meets in the Welcome Center. They vary in ages and enjoy study material relative to their faith walk with Christ. Led by Sally Martin and Linda Glickert.
- Wesley Class - this class is a mixed age group class, mostly 50's to 70's. This group enjoys study material written by authors like Kalas, Moore, and others. They have a great time in study and fellowship. They meet in the Community Room near the gym. Led by Jeff & Kerry Combs.
- Real Good Class- Our emphasis is on building authentic relationships and discipleship that has a real impact in our lives and in the world. People of all ages and stages of life are welcome. Located in the second floor classroom behind the choir loft. Led by Pastor Sarah Ellzey; co-led by Sarah Wooldridge.
Small Groups
- Women's Bible study- all women are invited to this weekly gathering for Bible study. This group typically does studies that focus on books of the Bible. Meets from 9:30am-11am in the Library. Led by Karoline Risker.
- Wednesday Prayer Group- these ladies pray for each submitted prayed request every Wednesday at 11am in the Library. Open to anyone who would like to be a part of a prayer team.
- Threads of Faith - women who gather each Friday in the Welcome Center at 10am to knit caps for newborns and prayer blankets. Bring your own materials and join us! Led by Kay Bland.
- Men's Breakfast- a time of fellowship and devotion for men at Ironhorse BBQ the first Tuesday of the month at 6am. Dutch treat. Led by Pastor Dane Womack. All are invited.
- Young at Heart Retiree Ministry- an active group of older adults for meet for monthly for events that include a movie in the third floor movie room the first Monday of the month at 1:00 pm, a lunch outing on the third Monday of each month (usually leaving at 10am), and a game night on the fourth Monday at 5:30pm in the Welcome Center. A listing of current events can be found here.
- Connect Wednesday- Activities for everyone Wednesday nights beginning the week after Labor Day in the fall semester and in late January in the spring semester. Led by staff. To find more information, including the menu, click here.