Our prayer life is something that happens within us - a discipline that is learned and grows over time. While we might think of prayer as personal, there are many resources from across the church to help you grow in prayer. Below are just a few links you might explore to further grow in prayer. Reach out to a pastor if you have any questions!
+ UMC Upper Room Daily Devotional
+ “Daily Office”: commonprayer.net, methodistprayer.org
+ "Lectio Divina": Reading & Praying through Scripture
+ "Pray the Hours": AnnArborVineyard Praying the Hours ; BOOK: Seven Sacred Pauses by Macrina Wiederkehr
+ The Daily "Examen"
+ Pray the Psalms- BOOK: Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life by W. David O. Taylor
+ Pray by Fasting
+ Pray by Moving (e.g. walking, labyrinth, beads)
+ Pray through Journaling
+ Prayer via Podcast: "Morning and Evening Prayer from the Church of England: Daily Prayer"
+ UMC Upper Room Daily Devotional
+ “Daily Office”: commonprayer.net, methodistprayer.org
+ "Lectio Divina": Reading & Praying through Scripture
+ "Pray the Hours": AnnArborVineyard Praying the Hours ; BOOK: Seven Sacred Pauses by Macrina Wiederkehr
+ The Daily "Examen"
+ Pray the Psalms- BOOK: Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life by W. David O. Taylor
+ Pray by Fasting
+ Pray by Moving (e.g. walking, labyrinth, beads)
+ Pray through Journaling
+ Prayer via Podcast: "Morning and Evening Prayer from the Church of England: Daily Prayer"